Friday, December 20, 2013

Wonderful Art Resources

Students-enjoy your Holiday break!
If you are looking for art activities, browse these websites... they are wonderful resources! Happy browsing and creating.  :)
The M.E.T. Art Museum:

Expressive, Realistic and Medieval Self Portraits:




Monday, December 16, 2013

7th and 8th grade Portraits. AMAZING job students!

7th-Expressive Self Portraits: exploring how color and emotion are connected.
8th-Celebrity Portraits.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Self Portraits: (in progress)

Students learned about famous artists that create portraits; Chuck Close~ Photo-realist and Leonardo DaVinci~ one of the first artist to study facial proportions.
They also learned about correct facial proportions and measurements, integrating math skills. Other skills practiced and reinforced; symmetry, value, balance, highlights and shadows.

Expressive Vincent van Gogh inspired landscapes

Focusing on the life of Vincent van Gogh, Impressionism, visual texture, expressive lines and the 4 main ways to show depth.