Tuesday, November 24, 2015


On December 2nd and 3rd there will be an ART SHOW at Oak Creek East Middle School from 6:00pm-8:30pm.
*The art teachers (Mrs. Weise and Mr. Hegeman will be present on Dec. 2nd from 6-7pm)*
Location- the small equipment gym room, right outside of the large gym, where the band and music concert will be held.
Around 60 select art works will be on display.
Please join us for a night celebrating the creativity of our EMS students!

Thank you,

Mrs. Weise

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Second Quarter

We have been busy here in the EMS art room.  Last week was the start of our second quarter, so there are 90 new art students in my room, already coming up with very creative ideas!
Here are some of their still life art works. They focused on value, shading, highlights, contour lines and form.


6th graders learned all about weaving and created these colorful art works.
Vocabulary: weft, warp, loom, interlock-weft, yarn and tassels.  Various world cultures were also studied.


7th graders learned about the old art form of quilling. Nuns in Europe used to create quil art work out of old book pages to decorate book covers.  Quilling also experiences a revival during colonial times in America.


6th and 7th grade students turned their two-dimensional drawings into 3D clay forms.  They learned about hand-building techniques such as slab, coil and pinch pot methods.  These pieces were fired to 1,200 degrees in the kiln.  Nice job students!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

7th grade Medieval Architecture

7th grade students studied the traditions, practices and features of Medieval architecture. Some of the features include; flying buttresses, rose windows, Gothic pointed arch windows/doors, gargoyles, and towers.

6th grade World Creatures

Just in time for Halloween... 6th graders studied various world cultures that created creatures thousands of years ago, Greek mythology was a favorite.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sculptures and Masks

Here are a few examples of the fabulous 6th grade sculptures and 7th grade animal masks. The students worked hard and did a lot of critical thinking and problem solving to create these forms, nice job everyone!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

6th graders are in the middle of a sculpture unit, using recycled materials. They are focusing on the art work of Leo Sewell. I can't wait to see how these turn out! (more photos to come)

7th graders created a personal collage out of mixed media materials, that make a statement about themselves. They studied collage artists Romare Bearden and Hannah Hoch.

6th graders studied the Aztec culture and mask making traditions. They focused on bilateral symmetry, repetition, pattern, layers and visit texture.  Great job!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Student artwork

We recently completed Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flowers in 6th grade art and Vincent van Gogh inspired landscapes in 7th grade.  The students did a wonderful job!

6th grade A and B class example:

 7th grade examples:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

We are off to a great start in the EMS art room! I have really enjoyed meeting all of my creative and eager art students and am looking forward to a wonderful quarter together!
Sixth graders started Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flowers, focusing on analogous/complimentary colors, blending and organic shapes.
Seventh graders started Vincent van Gogh inspired landscapes, focusing on showing depth and visual texture.