Thursday, September 24, 2015

6th graders are in the middle of a sculpture unit, using recycled materials. They are focusing on the art work of Leo Sewell. I can't wait to see how these turn out! (more photos to come)

7th graders created a personal collage out of mixed media materials, that make a statement about themselves. They studied collage artists Romare Bearden and Hannah Hoch.

6th graders studied the Aztec culture and mask making traditions. They focused on bilateral symmetry, repetition, pattern, layers and visit texture.  Great job!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Student artwork

We recently completed Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flowers in 6th grade art and Vincent van Gogh inspired landscapes in 7th grade.  The students did a wonderful job!

6th grade A and B class example:

 7th grade examples:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

We are off to a great start in the EMS art room! I have really enjoyed meeting all of my creative and eager art students and am looking forward to a wonderful quarter together!
Sixth graders started Georgia O'Keeffe inspired flowers, focusing on analogous/complimentary colors, blending and organic shapes.
Seventh graders started Vincent van Gogh inspired landscapes, focusing on showing depth and visual texture.